1975 - 1979
Publikationen 1975-1979
- 23. Ronai, A. and Wunderlich, F. Membranes of Tetrahymena IV. Isolation and characterization of temperature-responsive smooth and rough microsomal subfractions J. Membrane Biol.
- 24, 381-399, 1975 24. Wunderlich, F., Ronai, A. Speth, V., Seelig, J. and Blume, A. Thermotropic lipid clustering in Tetrahymena membranes Biochemistry 14, 3730-3735, 1975
- 25. Wunderlich, F. and Ronai, A. Adaptive lowering of the lipid clustering temperature within Tetrahymena membranes FEBS Letters 55, 237-241, 1975
- 26. Wunderlich, F., Berezney, R. and Kleinig, H. The nuclear envelope. An interdisciplinary analysis of its structure, composition and functions. In Biological Membranes III (Chapman, D. and Wallach, D.F.H., eds.) Acad. Press, New York and London, pp. 241-333, 1976
- 27. Batz, W. and Wunderlich, F. Structural transformation of the phagosomal membrane in Tetrahymena cells endocytosing latex beads Arch. Microbiol. 109, 215-220, 1976
- 28. Herlan, G. and Wunderlich, F. Isolation of a nuclear protein matrix from Tetrahymena macronuclei Cytobiol. 13, 291-296, 1976
- 29. Wunderlich, F. Mikrotubuli Biologie in unserer Zeit 7, 21-27, 1977
- 30. Nägel, W. and Wunderlich, F. The effect of temperature on nuclear membranes and nucleocytoplasmic RNA-transport in Tetrahymena grown at different temperatures J. Membrane Biol. 32, 151-164, 1977
- 31. Wunderlich, F. and Herlan, G. A reversible contractile nuclear matrix. Its isolation, structure and composition J. Cell Biol. 73, 271-278, 1977
- 32. Wunderlich, F. Die Kernmatrix: Dynamisches Proteingerüst in Zellkernen Naturwiss. Rundschau 31, 282-285, 1978
- 33. Herlan, G., Quevedo, R. and Wunderlich, F. Structural transformation of the nuclear matrix in situ Exptl. Cell Res. 115, 103-110, 1978
- 34. Wunderlich, F., Kreutz, W., Mahler, P., Ronai, A. and Heppeler, G. Thermotropic fluid6ordered discontinuous phase separation in microsomal lipids of Tetrahymena - An X-ray diffraction study Biochemistry 17, 2005-2010, 1978
- 35. Wunderlich, F., Giese, G. and Bucherer, C. Expansion and fluidity decrease of nuclear membranes induced by low Ca/Mg - Modulation of nuclear membrane lipid fluidity by the membrane-associated nuclear matrix proteins? J. Cell. Biol. 79, 479-490, 1978
- 36. Wunderlich, F. Fusion von Biomembranen Biologie in unserer Zeit 8, 169-179, 1978
- 37. Herlan, G., Giese, G. and Wunderlich, F. Influence of nuclear membrane lipid fluidity on nuclear RNA-release Exptl. Cell Res. 118, 305-309, 1979
- 38. Giese, G., Fromme, I. and Wunderlich, F. Suppression of thermotropic lipid clustering in Tetrahymena nuclear membranes upon Ca2+/Mg2+-induced membrane contraction Europ. J. Biochem. 95, 275-285, 1979
- 39. Herlan, G., Eckert, W., Kaffenberger, W., and Wunderlich, F. Isolation and characterization of an RNA-containing nuclear matrix from Tetrahymena macronuclei Biochemistry 18, 1782-1788, 1979
- 40. Wunderlich, F. and Giese, G. Ca2+/Mg2+-effects on structure and fluidity of nuclear membranes Proc. Electr. Micr. Soc. Amer. 37, 248-251, 1979
- 41. Giese, G. and Wunderlich, F. A rapid high-yield isolation method for nuclear envelope ghosts Anal. Biochem. 100, 282-288, 1979