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  1. C.P. Hollenberg, P. Borst, R.W.J. Thuring and E.F.J. van Bruggen. Size, structure and ­gene­tic complexity of yeast ­mito­chondrial DNA. Biochim.Biophys.Acta 186 (1969), 417-419. 
  2. L.H. Cohen, C.P. Hollenberg and P. Borst. An analysis of a possible base sequence comple­mentarity of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA in yeast. Biochim.Biophys.Acta 224 (1970), 610-613.
  3. C.P. Hollenberg, W.F. Riks and P. Borst. The glutamate dehydrogenases of yeast: extra-mitochondrial enzymes. Biochim.Biophys.Acta 201 (1970), 13-19.
  4. C.P. Hollenberg, P. Borst and E.F.J. van Bruggen. Mitochondrial DNA. V. A 25-µ closed circular duplex DNA molecule in wild-type yeast mitochondria. Structure and genetic complexity. Biochim.Biophys.Acta 208 (1970), 1-15.
  5. C.P. Hollenberg. The yeast petite mutant RDIA: Report of its properties and genesis. Physiol.Veg. 9 (1971), 333.
  6. C.P. Hollenberg and P. Borst. Conditions that prevent induction by ethidium ­bro­mide. ­Bio­chim.Biophys.Res.Commun. 45 (1971), 1250-1254.
  7. E. Di Mauro, C.P. Hollenberg and B.D. Hall. Transcription in yeast: A factor that stimulates yeast RNA polymerases. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 69 (1972), 2818-2822.
  8. C.P. Hollenberg, C.F. van Kreijl, R.A. Flavell and P. Borst. Mitochondrial DNA of wild-type yeast and some petite mutants. In Vitro Cell.Dev.Biol. 7 (1972), 277.
  9. C.P. Hollenberg, P. Borst and E.F.J. van Bruggen. Mitochondrial DNA from ­cyto­plasmic petite mutants of yeast. Biochim.Biophys.Acta 277 (1972), 35-43.
  10. C.P. Hollenberg, P. Borst, R.A. Flavell, C.F. van Kreijl, E.F.J. van Bruggen and A.C. Arnberg. The unusual properties of mtDNA from a "low density" petite mutant of yeast. Biochim.Biophys.Acta 277 (1972), 44-58.
  11. C.F. van Kreijl, P. Borst, R.A. Flavell and C.P. Hollenberg. Pyrimidine tract analy­sis of mtDNA from a "low density" petite mutant of yeast. Biochim.Biophys. Acta 277 (1972), 61-70.
  12. C.P. Hollenberg. Ribosomal ribonucleic acid synthesis by isolated yeast ribonucleic acid polymerase. Biochemistry 12 (1973), 5320-5325.
  13. B.D. Hall, M. Brzezinska, C.P. Hollenberg and L.D. Schulz. Stimulation of RNA polymerase III by histones and other polycations. In: Molecular Cytogenics. (Eds.) B.A. Hamkalo and J. Papaconstantinou. Plenum Press, New York, 1973, p.217-226.
  14. C.P. Hollenberg and H.D. Royer. Electron microscopical analysis of native and cloned 2-µm DNA from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In: Genetics and Biogenesis of ­Chlo­ro­plasts and Mitochondria. (Eds.) T. Bücher, W. Neupert, W. Sebald and S. ­Wer­ner. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1976, p.565-568.
  15. C.P. Hollenberg. Proportionate representation of rDNA and Balbiani ring DNA in polytene chromosomes of Chironomus tentans. Chromosoma 57 (1976), 185-197.
  16. R. Wells, H.D. Royer and C.P. Hollenberg. Non Xenopus-like DNA sequence ­orga­nization in the Chironomus tentans genome. Mol.Gen.Genet. 147 (1976), 45-51.
  17. C.P. Hollenberg, A. Degelmann, B. Kustermann-Kuhn and H.D. Royer. ­Characte­riza­tion of 2-µm DNA of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by restriction fragment analysis and integration in an Escherichia coli plasmid. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 73 (1976), 2072-2076.
  18. C.P. Hollenberg, B. Kustermann-Kuhn and H.D. Royer. Synthesis of high molecular weight polypeptides in Escherichia coli minicells directed by cloned Saccharomyces cere­visiae 2-µm DNA. Gene 1 (1976), 33-47.
  19. H.D. Royer and C.P. Hollenberg. Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2-µm DNA. An ­analy­sis of the monomer and its multimers by electron microscopy. Mol.Gen.Genet. 150 (1977), 271-284.
  20. A. Degelmann, H.D. Royer and C.P. Hollenberg. The organization of the ribosomal RNA genes of Chironomus tentans and some related species. Verb.Dtsch.Zool.Ges. (1978), 232.
  21. C.P. Hollenberg. Mapping of regions on cloned Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2-µm DNA coding for polypeptides synthesized in Escherichia coli minicells. Mol.Gen.Genet. 162 (1978), 23-34.
  22. C.P. Hollenberg. Recombinant DNA Research. Techniques and results. Prog.Botany 40 (1978), 211-235.
  23. A. Degelmann, H.D. Royer and C.P. Hollenberg. The ­organi­zation of the ribosomal RNA genes of Chironomus tentans and some closely related species. Chromosoma 71 (1979), 263-281.
  24. C.P. Hollenberg. Expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae of bacterial ß-lactamase and other antibiotic resistance genes integrated in a 2-µm DNA vector. In: Extra­chromo­somal DNA. ICN-UCLA Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology. (Eds.) D.L. Cummings, P. Borst, I.B. David, S.M. Weissman and C.F. Fox. Academic Press, New York, 15, 1979, p.325-338.
  25. U. Henning, H.D. Royer, R.M. Teather, I. Hindennach and C.P. Hollenberg. ­Cloning of the structural gene (OmpA) for an integral outer membrane protein of Escherichia coli K12. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 76 (1979), 4360-4364.
  26. C.P. Hollenberg and H.D. Royer. Structure and function of Saccharomyces ­cerevi­siae 2-µm DNA. In: Fungal Viruses. (Eds.) H.P. Molitoris, M. Hollings and H.A. Ward. Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, New York, 1979, p.182.
  27. C.P. Hollenberg and H.D. Royer. Structure and function of 2-µm DNA. J.Supra­mol. Structure Supp. 3 (1979), 133.
  28. C.P. Hollenberg. The expression of bacterial resistance genes in the yeast Saccharomy­ces cerevisiae. In: Plasmids of Medical, Environmental and Commercial ­Importance. (Eds.) K. Timmis and A. Pühler. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1979, p.481-492.
  29. H.D. Royer and C.P. Hollenberg. Mapping of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase ­bind­ing sites on 2-µm DNA from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Heterogeneity within the in­verted duplication and evidence for an eukaryotic invertible DNA sequence. ­Plas­mid 2 (1979), 403-416.
  30. G.W. Saunders, G.H. Rank, B. Kustermann-Kuhn and C.P. Hollenberg. Inheritance of ­mul­tiple drug resistance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Linkage to leu1 and ­analy­sis of 2-µm DNA in partial revertants. Mol.Gen.Genet. 175 (1979), 45-52.
  31. H.F. Tabak, N.B. Hecht, H.H. Menke, P. Borst and C.P. Hollenberg. The gene for the small yeast mitochondrial ribosomal RNA: Physical map, direction of ­transcrip­tion and absence of intervening sequence. Curr.Genet. 1 (1979), 33-43.
  32. C.P. Hollenberg. Recombinant DNA research. An update of techniques and results. Prog.Botany 42 (1980), 171-185.
  33. A. Büchner-Vollmers and C.P. Hollenberg. Study of Salivary gland specific ­trans­cripts in Chironomus tentans by cDNA analysis. Chromosoma 83 (1981), 315-325.
  34. A. Degelmann and C.P. Hollenberg. A structural analysis of Balbiani ring DNA sequen­ces in Chironomus tentans. Chromosoma 83 (1981), 295-313.
  35. E. Erhart and C.P. Hollenberg. Curing of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2-µm DNA by trans­formation. Curr.Genet. 3 (1981), 83-89.
  36. C.P. Hollenberg, B. Kustermann-Kuhn, V. Mackedonski and E. Erhart. The ­expres­sion of bacterial antibiotic resistance genes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In: Molecular Genetics in Yeast. (Eds.) D. von Wettstein, J. Friis, M. Kielland-Brandt and A. Stenderup. Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 1981, p.341-354.
  37. R. Roggenkamp, B. Kustermann-Kuhn and C.P. Hollenberg. Expression and ­process­ing of ­bac­te­rial ß-lactamase in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proc.Natl.Acad. Sci. USA 78 (1981), 4466-4470.
  38. C.P. Hollenberg. Cloning with 2-µm DNA vectors and the expression of foreign genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Current Topics in Microbiology and ­Immunolo­gy 96 (1981), 119-144.
  39. K. Breunig, V. Mackedonski and C.P. Hollenberg. Transcription of the bacterial ß-lactamase gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Gene 20 (1982), 1-10.
  40. S. Das and C.P. Hollenberg. A high-frequency transformation system for the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis. Curr.Genet. 6 (1982), 123-128.
  41. Z. Janowicz, U. Henning and C.P. Hollenberg. Synthesis of Escherichia coli outer mem­­brane OmpA protein in yeasts. Gene 20 (1982), 347-358.
  42. G. Reipen, E. Erhart, K. Breunig and C.P. Hollenberg. Non-selective ­transforma­tion of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Curr.Genet. 6 (1982), 189-193.
  43. R. Roggenkamp, G. Reipen and C.P. Hollenberg. Processing of the bacterial ­secreto­ry ß-lactamase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Hoppe-Seyler's Z.Physiolog.Chem. 363 (1982), 887.
  44. A. Zaha, O. Leoncini, C.P Hollenberg and F.J.S. Lara. Cloning and ­characteri­zation of the ribosomal RNA genes of Rhynchosciara americana. Chromosoma 87 (1982), 103-116.
  45. E. Erhart and C.P. Hollenberg. The presence of a defective LEU2 gene on 2-µm DNA recombinant plasmids of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is responsible for curing and high copy number. J.Bacteriol. 156 (1983), 625-635.
  46. C.P. Hollenberg, R. Roggenkamp, E. Erhart, K. Breunig and G. Reipen. The ­expres­sion of bacterial ß-lactamase in yeast and its applications to gene technology. In: Gene Expres­sion in Yeast. (Eds.) M. Korhola and T. Savonen. Helsinki, 1983, p.73-90.
  47. R. Roggenkamp, J. Hoppe and C.P. Hollenberg. Specific processing of the bacterial ß-lactamase precursor in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J.Cell.Biochem. 22 (1983), 141-149.
  48. K. Breunig, U. Dahlems, S. Das and C.P. Hollenberg. Analysis of a eukaryotic ß-galactosidase gene: The N-terminal end of the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis protein shows homology to the Escherichia coli lacZ gene product. Nucleic Acids Res. 12 (1984), 2327-2341.
  49. S. Das, E. Kellermann and C.P. Hollenberg. Transformation of Kluyveromyces ­fra­gilis. J.Bacteriol. 158 (1984), 1165-1167.
  50. C.P. Hollenberg. The 2-µm DNA of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Rivista di Biologia 77 (1984), 607-608.
  51. A.A. Potter, A. Nasim, R.S. Zitomer and C.P. Hollenberg. Gene cloning in Sac­charomyces cerevisiae. In: Recombinant DNA Methodology. (Eds.) J.A.R. Dillon, A. Nasim and E.R.J. Nestmann. Wiley and Sons, 1984, p.257-300. 
  52. G. Preibisch, U. Kleinhans, R. Roggenkamp and C.P. Hollenberg. Recombinational pro­per­ties of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae FLP gene expressed in Escherichia coli. Curr.Genet. 8 (1984), 439-448.
  53. R. Roggenkamp, Z. Janowicz, B. Stanikowski and C.P. Hollenberg. Biosynthesis and regulation of the peroxisomal methanol oxidase from the methylotrophic yeast Han­senula polymorpha. Mol.Gen.Genet. 194 (1984), 489-493.
  54. M. Wilhelm, E. Erhart and C.P. Hollenberg. Xylose isomerase in yeast. ­Rivi­sta di Biologia 77 (1984), 607-608.
  55. M. Wilhelm and C.P. Hollenberg. Selective cloning of Bacillus subtilis xylose isomerase and xylulokinase gene in Escherichia coli by IS5-mediated expression. EMBO J. 3 (1984), 2555-2560.
  56. A. Zaha, O. Leoncini, A.J. Stocker, C.P. Hollenberg and F.J.S. Lara. ­Hybridiza­tion of polyA+ RNA from salivary glands of Rynchosciara americana to restriction DNA fragments and polytene chromosomes. Brazilian J.Med.Biol.Res. 17 (1984), 257-264.
  57. R.S. Zitomer, D.A. Walthall, B.C. Rymond and C.P. Hollenberg. Saccharomyces cere­visiae ribosomes recognize non-AUG initiation codons. Mol.Cell.Biol. 4 (1984), 1191-1197.
  58. S. Das, K. Breunig and C.P. Hollenberg. A positive regulatory element is involved in the ­induc­tion of the ß-galactosidase gene from Kluyveromyces lactis. EMBO J. 4 (1985), 793-798.
  59. Z. Janowicz, R.M. Eckart, C. Drewke, R. Roggenkamp, C.P. Hollenberg, J. Maat, A.M. ­Lede­boer, C. Visser and C.T. Verrips. Cloning and characterization of the DAS gene encoding the major methanol assimilatory enzyme from the ­methylo­tro­phic yeast Hansenula polymorpha. Nucleic Acids Res. 13 (1985), 3043-3062.
  60. C.P. Hollenberg, R. Roggenkamp, G. Reipen and M. Bielefeld. Synthesis and ­secre­tion of foreign gene products in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In: Therapeutic agents ­pro­duced by genetic engineering: Quo Vadis? (Eds.) A. Joyeaux, G. Leygue, M. Morre, R. Roncucci and P.H. Schmelck. Sanofi, Montpellier, 1985, p.65-78.
  61. A.M. Ledeboer, L. Edens, J. Maat, C. Visser, J.W. Bos, C.T. Verrips, Z. Janowicz, R.M. Eckart, R. Roggenkamp and C.P. Hollenberg. Molecular cloning and ­characte­ri­zation of a gene coding for methanol oxidase in Hansenula polymorpha. Nucleic Acids Res. 13 (1985), 3063-3082.
  62. R. Roggenkamp, H. Dargatz and C.P. Hollenberg. Precursor of ß-lactamase is ­enzy­ma­tically inactive: Accumulation of the preprotein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J.Biol. Chem. 260 (1985), 1508-1512.
  63.  M. Wilhelm and C.P. Hollenberg. Nucleotide sequence of the Bacillus subtilis xylose isomerase gene: extensive homology between the Bacillus and Escherichia coli ­en­zyme. Nucleic Acids Res. 13 (1985), 5717-5722.
  64.  E. Kellermann, P. Seeboth and C.P. Hollenberg. Analysis of the primary structure and promoter function of a pyruvate decarboxylase gene (PDC1) from Saccharomyces ­cere­visiae. Nucleic Acids Res. 14 (1986), 8963-8977.
  65. R. Roggenkamp, H. Hansen, R.M. Eckart, Z. Janowicz and C.P. Hollenberg. ­Trans­formation of the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha by autonomous ­repli­ca­tion and ­inte­gration vectors. Mol.Gen.Genet. 202 (1986), 302-308.
  66. R. Roggenkamp, G. Reipen and C.P. Hollenberg. Mediation by Saccharomyces ­cere­visiae translocation signals, of ß-lactamase transport through the Escherichia coli inner membrane and sensitive method for detection of signal sequences. J.Bacteriol. 168 (1986), 467-469.
  67. C.P. Hollenberg and M. Wilhelm. New substrates for old organisms.In: C.P. Hollen­berg and H. Sahm (Eds.) Biotec 4: Microbial Genetic Engineering and Enzyme Tech­nology. G. Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, 1987, p.21-31.
  68. C.P. Hollenberg. Construction of xylose-fermenting yeast strains. In: Biomolecular Engineering in the European Community. (Ed.) E. Magnien. Nyhoff ­Publi­shers, 1986, p.641-647.
  69. ­C.P. Hollenberg, G. Reipen, M. Bielefeld, B. Teichmann and R. Roggenkamp. Processing and secretion of bacterial ß-lactamase fusions in yeast. In: Genetics of Industrial ­Microorga­nisms. (Eds.) M. Alacevic, D. Hranueli, Z. Toman. Pliva Press, Zagreb, 1987, p.447-455.
  70.  R. Roggenkamp, G. Reipen, M. Bielefeld and Hollenberg, C.P. Translocational processing of heterologous gene products. In: Physiological and genetical modulation of product ­for­ma­tion. (Eds.) L. Alberghina, L. Frontali and G. Hamer. VCH, Wein­heim, 1987, p.131-140.
  71. C.P. Hollenberg and M. Wilhelm. New substrates for old organisms. In: Microbial Genetic Engineering and Enzyme Technology. C.P. ­Hol­lenberg and H. Sahm (eds.) BIOTEC 1. G. Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, 1987, p.21-31.
  72. C.P. Hollenberg. Construction of pentose-fermenting strains of Saccharomyces. ­Euro­pean Brewery Convention Monograph 12. Hans Carl Verlag, Nürnberg, 1987, p.199-208.
  73. M. Ruzzi, K. Breunig, A.G. Ficca and C.P. Hollenberg. Positive regulation of the yeast ß-galactosidase gene from Kluyveromyces lactis is mediated by a UAS-element show­ing homology to the GAL-UAS of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol.Cell.Biol. 7 (1987), 991-997.
  74. K.D. Breunig, M. Ruzzi, A.G. Ficca, C.P. Hollenberg. Identification of sequences regulation expression of the ß-galactosidase gene from Kluyveromyces lactis. In: Genetics of Industrial Microorganism. (Eds.) M. Alaceviv, D. Hranueli and Z. Toman. Pliva Press, Zagreb, 1987, p.551-560.
  75. E. Kellermann and C.P. Hollenberg. The glucose- and ethanol-dependent regulation of PDC1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae are controlled by two distinct promoter ­re­gions. Curr. Genet. 14 (1988), 337-344.
  76. R. Amore and C.P. Hollenberg. Xylose isomerase from Actinoplanes missouriensis primary structure of the gene and the protein. Nucl.Acids.Res. 17 (1989), 7515.
  77. R. Amore, M. Wilhelm and C.P. Hollenberg. The fermentation of xylose - an analysis of the expression of Bacillus and Actinoplanes xylose isomerase genes in yeast. Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol. 30 (1989), 351-357.
  78. J. Benitez, A. Silva, R. Vazquez, M.D. Noa and C.P. ­Hollen­berg. Secretion and glyco­sylation of Clostridium ­thermo­cellum endoglucanase A encoded by the celA gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast 5 (1989), 299-306.
  79. M. Bielefeld and C.P. Hollenberg. Mutant invertase proteins accumulate in the yeast endo­plasmic reticulum. Mol.Gen.Genet. 215 (1989), 401-406.
  80. R.J. Dohmen, A. Strasser, R.S. Zitomer and C.P. Hollenberg. Regulated ­overpro­duc­tion of _-amylase by transformation of the amylolytic yeast Schwanniomyces ­occi­den­talis. Curr. Genet. 15 (1989), 319-325.
  81. A.G. Ficca and C.P. Hollenberg. Functional relationship among TATA sequences, gene induction and transcription initiation in the ß-galactosidase, LAC4, gene from Kluyveromyces lactis. Curr.Genet. 15 (1989), 261-269.
  82. A. Gödecke, M. Veenhuis, R. Roggenkamp, Z.A. Janowicz and C.P. ­Hollen­berg. Biosynthesis of the peroxisomal ­dihydroxy­acetone synthase from Hansenula ­poly­mor­pha in Saccharomyces cerevisiae induces growth but not proliferation of ­peroxi­somes. Curr. Genet. 16 (1989), 13-20.
  83. A.W.M. Strasser, R. Selk, R.J. Dohmen, T. Niermann, M. ­Biele­feld, P. Seeboth, G. Tu and C.P. Hollenberg. Analysis of the _-amylase gene of Schwanniomyces ­occiden­talis and the ­secre­tion of its gene product in transformants of different yeast genera. Eur.J.Biochem. 184 (1989), 699-706.
  84. M. Ramezani Rad, G. Xu, C.P. Hollenberg. Yeast STE50, a gene ­implica­ted in the a and a factor response pathway. Yeast 6 (1990), 13.
  85. R.J. Dohmen, A.W.M. Strasser, U.M. Dahlems and C.P. Hollenberg. Cloning of the Schwanniomyces occidentalis glucoamylase gene (GAM1) and its expression in Saccharomyces ­cere­visiae. Gene 95 (1990), 111-121.
  86. A. Dominguez, L. Frontali, H. Fukuhara and C.P. Hollenberg. Development of host-vector ­systems in dairy yeasts. In: Biotechnology R & D in the European ­Commu­ni­ty, Biotechnolo­gy Action Program 1985-1989. (Eds.) A. Vassarotti and E. Magnien. Elsevier, ­Amster­dam, 1990, p.338-343.
  87. C.P. Hollenberg and A.W.M. Strasser. Improvement of baker's and brewer's yeast by gene technology. Food Biotechnol. 4 (1990), 527-534.
  88. P. Kötter, R. Amore, C.P. Hollenberg and M. Ciriacy. Isolation and ­characte­rization of the Pichia stipitis xylitol dehydrogenase gene, XYL2, and ­construc­tion of a ­xylose- utilizing Saccharomyces cerevisiae transformant. Curr.Genet. 18 (1990), 493-500.
  89. P.G. Seeboth, K. Bohnsack and C.P. Hollenberg. pdc1° Mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae give evidence for an additional structural PDC gene: Cloning of PDC5, a gene ­homologous to PDC1. J.Bacteriol.172 (1990), 678-685.
  90. G. Gellissen, A.W.M. Strasser, K. Melber, A. Merckelbach, U. Weydemann, P. Keup, U. Dahlems, M. Piontek, C.P. Hollenberg and Z.A. Janowicz. Die ­methylo­tro­phe Hefe Hansenula polymorpha als Expressionssystem für heterologe Proteine. Bio­engineering 5 (1990), 20-26.
  91. A.W.M. Strasser, Z.A. Janowicz, R.J. Dohmen, R. O. Roggenkamp and C.P. ­Hollen­berg. Prospects of yeasts in biotechnology. Agro-Industry Hi-Tech 1 (1990), 21-24.
  92. B.Y. Amegadzie, R.S. Zitomer and C.P. Hollenberg. Characterization of the Cyto­chrome c Gene from the Starch Fermenting Yeast Schwanniomyces occidentalis         and its Expression in Baker's Yeast. Yeast 6 (1990), 429-440.
  93. Z.A. Janowicz, K. Melber, A. Merckelbach, E. Jacobs, N. Harford, M. ­Com­berbach and C.P. Hollenberg. Simultaneous expression of the S and L surface antigens of Hepatitis B, and formation of mixed particles in the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula poly­morpha. Yeast 7 (1991), 431-443.
  94. G. Gellissen, Z.A. Janowicz, A. Merckelbach, M. Piontek, P. Keup, U. Weydemann, C.P. Hollenberg and A.W.M. Strasser. Heterologous gene expression in Hansenula polymorpha: Efficient secretion of glucoamylase. Bio/Technology 9 (1991), 291-295.
  95. H.Y. Naim, T. Niermann, U. Kleinhans, C.P. Hollenberg and A.W.M. Strasser. Striking structural and functional similarities suggest that intestinal sucrase-isomalta­se, human ­lyso­somal _-glucosidase and Schwanniomyces occidentalis glucoamylase are de­rived from a ­com­mon ancestral gene. FEBS Letters 294 (1991), 109-112.
  96. J. Meyer, A. Walker-Jonah and C.P. Hollenberg. Galactokinase encoded by GAL1 is a bifunctional protein required for induction of the GAL genes in Kluyveromyces lactis and is able to suppress the gal3 phenotype in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol.Cell. Biol. 11 (1991), 5454-5461.
  97. A. Silva, J. Benitez and C.P. Hollenberg. Endoglucanase a gene fusion vectors for ­moni­toring protein secretion and glycosylation in yeast. Anal. Biochemistry 197 (1991), 290-295.
  98. M. Ramezani-Rad, K. Lützenkirchen, G. Xu, U. Kleinhans and C.P. Hollenberg. The Complete Sequence of a 11,953 bp Fragment from C1G on Chromosome III ­Encom­passes Four New Open Reading Frames. Yeast 7 (1991), 533-538.
  99. R. Amore, P. Kötter, C. Küster, M. Ciriacy and C.P. Hollenberg. Cloning and ­ex­pression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae of the NAD(P)H-dependent xylose reductase-encoding gene (XYL1) from the xylose-assimilating yeast Pichia stipitis. Gene 109 (1991), 89-97.
  100. R.J. Dohmen, A.W.M. Strasser, C.B. Höner and C.P. Hollenberg. An Efficient Transformation Procedure Enabling Longterm Storage of Competent Cells of ­Vari­ous Yeast Genera. Yeast 7 (1991), 691-692.
  101. J. Heinisch, K. Vogelsang and C.P. Hollenberg. Transcriptional control of yeast ­phos­pho­­fructinase gene expression. FEBS Letters 289 (1991), 77-82.
  102. A.W.M. Strasser, Z.A. Janowicz, R.O. Roggenkamp, U. Dahlems, U. ­Weyde­mann, A. Merkelbach, G. Gelissen, R. Dohmen, M. Piontek, K. Melber and C.P. ­Hollen­berg. Applications of genetically manipulated yeasts. In: Applied Molecular Genetics of Fungi.  (Eds) J.F. Peberdy, C.E. Caben, J.E. Ogden and J.W. Bennett. Cam­bridge University Press, 1991, p.161-169.
  103. M. Bielefeld and C.P. Hollenberg. Bacterial ß-lactamase is efficiently secreted in Saccharomyces cerevisiae under control of the invertase signal sequence. Curr.­Ge­net. 21 (1992), 265-268.
  104. Z.A. Janowicz, K. Melber, A. Merckelbach, P. Keup and C.P. Hollenberg. ­Expres­sion of Hepatitis B Antigens in the Methylotrophic Yeast Hansenula polymorpha. In: Therapeutics, Diagnostics, New Vaccins, Interferon Treatment and Plasma Proteins. C.P. Hollenberg and H. Sahm (eds.) BIOTEC 4. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, 1992, p.87-97.
  105. S.G. Oliver et al., M. Ramezani Rad, U. Kleinhans, K. Lützenkirchen, G. Xu and C.P. Hollenberg et al. The complete DNA sequence of yeast chromosome III. Nature 357 (1992), 38-46.
  106. M. Ramezani Rad, G. Xu and C.P. Hollenberg. STE50, a novel gene required for ­acti­vation of conjugation at an early step of mating in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol.Gen. Genetics 336 (1992), 145-154.
  107. G. Gellissen, Z.A. Janowicz, U. Weydemann, K. Melber, A.W.M. Strasser and C.P. Hollenberg. High-level expression of foreign genes in Hansenula polymorpha. Biotech Adv. 10 (1992), 179-189.
  108. C.P. Hollenberg, G. Gellissen, Z.A. Janowicz and A.W.M. Strasser. Applications of recom­binant yeasts in the pharmaceutical and food industry. Dechema ­Conferen­ces 5 (1992), 767-769.
  109. G. Gellissen, R. Amore, C.P. Hollenberg. Risk assessment of recombinant ­micro­organisms: model studies in laboratory water and surface water. Dechema ­Confe­rences 5 (1992), 809-812.
  110. G. Gellissen, K. Melber, Z.A. Janowicz, U.M. Dahlems, U. Weydemann, M. Pion­tek, A.W.M. Strasser and C.P. Hollenberg. Heterologous protein production in yeast. A. ­Leeu­wenhoek Int. J. Gen. Mol. Microbiol. 62 (1992), 79-93.
  111. C.P. Hollenberg and H. Sahm (eds) BIOTEC 4: Therapeutics, Diagnostics, New Vac­cines, Interferon Treatment and Plasma Proteins. G. Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, 1992.
  112. G. Gellissen, U. Weydemann, A.W.M. Strasser, M. Piontek, C.P. Hollenberg, Z.A. Janowicz. Progress in developing methylotrophic yeasts as expression systems. TIBTECH 12 (1992), 413-417.
  113. M.A. Freire Picos, A.M. Rodriguez Torres, E. Ramil, M.E. Cerdan, K.D. Breunig, C.P. Hollenberg and R.S. Zitomer. Sequence of a cytochrome c gene from Kluy­vero­myces lactis and its upstream region. Yeast Sequencing Reports 9 (1993), 201-204.
  114. C.P. Hollenberg and J. Meyer. Galactokinase, a regulatory protein of lactose/ galactose metabolism. Workshop on Control of Gene Expression in Yeast. Centro de Reuniones Internacionales Sobre Biologia, Ediciones Peninsular, Madrid, 1993, p.35-36.
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  116. J. Heinisch, L. Kirchrath, T. Liesen, K. Vogelsang and C.P.Hollenberg. Molecular genetics of phosphofructokinase in the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis. Molec.Microbiol. 8 (1993), 559-570
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  118. A. Merckelbach, S. Gödecke, Z.A. Janowicz and C.P. Hollenberg. Cloning and sequen­c­ing of the ura3 locus of the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha and its use for the generation of a deletion by gene replacement. Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol. 40 (1993), 361-364.
  119. E. Di Mauro and C. P. Hollenberg. DNA technology in chip construction. Adv. Mater. 5 (1993), 384-385.
  120. J. Jacoby, C.P. Hollenberg and J.J. Heinisch. Transaldolase mutants in the yeast Kluy­veromyces lactis provide evidence that glucose can be metabolized through the pentose phosphate pathway. Mol.Microbiol. 10 (1993), 867-876.
  121. R. Kölling, B. Böttner and C.P. Hollenberg. Synthesis and farnesylation of a-factor fusions proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. FEBS Letters 336 (1993), 129-132.
  122. G. Gellissen, M. Schrowang, H. Wolensky, R. Amore and C.P. Hollenberg. Analyseverfahren zum ­Umwelt­verhalten rekombinanter Mikroorganismen in ­Ober­flä­chengewässern. In: Überwachungsmethoden ­Gentech­nik: Nachweisverfahren für Mikroorganismen, Viren und Gene in der Umwelt. (Ed.) Umweltbundesamt, Bonn, 1994. UBA Texte 29/94, p.19-32.
  123. S. Gödecke, M. Eckart, Z.A. Janowicz and C.P. Hollenberg. Identification of sequences responsible for transcriptional regulation of the strongly expressed ­metha­nol ­oxida­se-encoding gene in Hansenula polymorpha. Gene 139 (1994), 35-42.
  124. B. Dujon et al., C. Fritz, C.P. Hollenberg, L. Kirchrath, P. Kötter, M. Ramezani Rad, G. Xu. Complete DNA Sequence of yeast chromosome XI. Nature 369 (1994), 371-378.
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  126. M.H. Metzger and C.P. Hollenberg. Isolation and characterization of the Pichia stipitis transketolase gene and expression in a xylose utilizing Saccharomyces cerevisiae trans­formant. Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol. 42 (1994), 319-325.
  127. L. Müller, G. Xu, R. Wells, C.P. Hollenberg  and W. Piepersberg. LRG1 is ­expressed during sporulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and contains motifs similar to LIM and rho/racGAP domains. Nucleic Acids Res. 22 (1994), 3151-3154.
  128. G. Gellissen, U. Dahlems, A.W.M. Strasser, C.P. Hollenberg. Rekombinante ­Enzyme für den Einsatz in der ­Lebens­mittelindustrie. In: Gentechnologie - Stand und Perspek­tiven bei der Gewinnung von Rohstoffen für die ­Lebensmittel­produktion. (Ed.) ­Lebens­mittelchemische Gesellschaft. Behr's Verlag, Hamburg, 1994, p. 93-113
  129. R. Kölling and C.P. Hollenberg. The ABC-transporter Ste6 accumulates in the plasma membrane in a ubiquitinated form in endocytosis mutants. EMBO Journal 13 (1994), 3261-3271.
  130. R. Kölling and C. P. Hollenberg. The first hydrophobic segment of the ABC-trans­porter, Ste6, functions as a signal sequence. FEBS Letters 351 (1994), 155-158.
  131. M. Ramezani Rad, L. Kirchrath and C. P. Hollenberg. A Putative P-type Cu2+-­trans­porting ATPase Gene on Chromosome II of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast 10 (1994), 1217-1225.
  132. C. Tebbe, W. Vahjen, J.C. Munch, B. Meier, G. Gellissen, S.D. Feldmann, H. Sahm,  R. Amore, C.P. Hollenberg, S. Blum and W. Wackernagel. ­Mesokosmen­untersuchun­gen und Einfluss der ­Habitat­bedingungen auf die Expression, ­Überd­au­erung und Über­tragung des Aprotinin-Gens. BioEngineering 6 (1994), 22-26.
  133. C. Tebbe, W. Vahjen, J.C. Munch, S.D. Feldmann, U. Ney, H. Sahm, G. Gellissen, R. Amore and C.P. Hollenberg. Überleben der Untersuchungsstämme und Persistenz ihrer rekombinanten DNA. BioEngineering 6 (1994), 14-21.
  134. H. Feldmann et al., C.P. Hollenberg et al. Complete DNA sequence of yeast ­chro­mo­some II. EMBO Journal 13 (1994), 5795-5809.
  135. C. P. Hollenberg, M. Piontek, K. Melber and Z.A. Janowicz. Expression of hepa­titis B antigens in the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha. In: ­Micro­biology in the Nineties. (Eds.) World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. & Global ­Publi­cations Services, Singapore, 1994, p.68-72.
  136. M. H. Metzger and C.P. Hollenberg. Amino acid substitions in the yeast Pichia stipitis xylitol dehydrogenase coenzyme-binding domain affect the coenzyme ­speci­fity. Eur.J.Biochem. 228 (1995), 50-54.
  137. M.A. Freire-Picos, C.P. Hollenberg, K.D. Breunig, M.E. Cerdan. Regulation of cyto­chrome c expression in the aerobic respiratory yeast Kluyveromyces lactis. FEBS Let­ters 360 (1995), 39-42.
  138. G. Costanzo, E. Di Mauro, R. Negri, G. Pereira and C.P. Hollenberg. Multiple Overlapping Positions of Nucleosomes with Single in Vivo Rotational Setting in the Hansenula polymorpha RNA Polymerase II MOX Promoter. J.Biol.Chem. 270 (1995), 11091-11097.
  139. Y.H. Jin, Y.K. Juang, M.J. Kim, M. Ramezani Rad, L. Kirchrath, R.H. Seong, S.H. Hong, C.P. Hollenberg and S.D. Park. Characterization of SFP2, a putative ­sulfate permease gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun. 213/2 (1995), 709-715.
  140. M. Ramezani Rad, H.L. Phan, L. Kirchrath, P.K. Tan, T. Kirchhausen, C.P. Hollen­berg and G.S. Payne. Saccharomyces cerevisiae Apl2p, a homologue of the mamma­lian clathrin AP ß subunit, plays a role in clathrin-dependent Golgi functions. J. Cell Science 108 (1995), 1605-1615.
  141. R. Gatzke, U. Weydemann, H.A. Janowicz and C.P. Hollenberg. Stable multicopy integration of vector sequences in Hansenula polymorpha. Appl.Microbiol.Bio­technol. 43 (1995), 844-849.
  142. G. Gellissen, C.P. Hollenberg and Z.A. Janowicz. Gene Expression in Methylotrophic Yeasts. In: Gene expression in recombinant microorganisms. (Ed.) Alan Smith, New York, 1995. Marcel Dekker, Inc., p. 195-239.
  143. F.T. Zenke, R. Engels, V. Vollenbroich, J. Meyer, C.P. Hollenberg and K.D. Breunig. Activation of Gal4p by galactose-dependent interaction of galactokinase and Gal80p. Science 272 (1996), 1662-1665.
  144. G.G. Pereira and C.P. Hollenberg. Conserved regulation of the Hansenula ­polymor­pha MOX promoter in Saccharomyces cerevisiae reveals new insights in the ­trans­crip­tional activation by Adr1p. Eur.J.Biochem. 238 (1996), 181-191.
  145. J. Ouwendijk, C.E.C. Moolenaar, W.J. Peters, C.P. Hollenberg, L.A. Ginsel, J.A.M. Fransen and H.Y. Naim. Congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency: Identification of a glutamine to proline substitution that leads to a transport block of sucrase-isomaltase in a pre-Golgi compartment. J.Clin.Invest. 97 (1996), 633-641.
  146. C. Zurek, E. Kubis, P. Keup, D. Hörlein, J. Beunink, J. Thömmes, M.-R. Kula, C.P. Hollenberg and G. Gellissen. Production of two aprotinin variants in Hansenula polymorpha. Proc.Biochem. 31/7 (1996), 679-689.
  147. R. J. Dohmen and C.P. Hollenberg. Schwanniomyces occidentalis. In: Nonconventional Yeasts in Biotechnology. A Handbook. (Ed.) K. Wolf. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 1996, p.117-137.
  148. H. Hansen and C.P. Hollenberg. Hansenula polymorpha (Pichia angusta). In: ­Non­conventional Yeasts in Biotechnology. A Handbook (Ed.) K. Wolf. Springer Verlag, Hei­delberg, 1996, p.293-311.
  149. R. Kölling and C.P. Hollenberg. The hemolysin B protein, expressed in Saccharo­my­ces cerevisiae, accumulates in binding-protein(BiP)-containing structure. Eur.J.­Bio­chem. 239 (1996), 356-361.
  150. F. Galibert, et. al., C.P. Hollenberg, M. Ramezani Rad et al. Complete nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome X. EMBO Journal 15 (1996), 2031-2049.
  151. G. Xu, G. Jansen, D.Y. Thomas, C.P. Hollenberg and M. Ramezani Rad. Ste50p ­sus­tains mating pheromone-induced signal transduction in the yeast Saccharomyces cere­visiae. Mol.Microbiol. 20 (1996), 773-783.
  152. T. Liesen, C.P. Hollenberg and J.J. Heinisch. ERA, a novel cis-acting element ­re­quired for autoregulation and ethanol repression of PDC1 transcription in Saccharo­my­ces cerevisiae. Mol.Microbiol. 21 (1996), 621-632.
  153. M. Ramezani Rad, B. Habbig, G. Jansen, U. Hattenhorst, M. Kroll and C.P. Hollen­berg. Analysis of the DNA sequence of a 34 038 bp region on the left arm of yeast chromosome XV. Yeast 13 (1997), 281-286.
  154. B. Dujon, M. Ramezani Rad, C. Fritz, L. Kirchrath, G. Xu and C.P. Hollenberg. The nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome XV. Nature 387 (1997), 98-102.
  155. G. Cardinali, V. Vollenbroich, M.-S. Jeon, A.A. de Graaf and C.P. Hollenberg. Con­stitutive expression in gal7 mutants of Kluyveromyces lactis is due to internal produc­tion of galactose as an inducer of the Gal/Lac regulon. Mol.Cell.Biol. 17/3 (1997), 1722-1730.
  156. B. Hülseweh, U.M. Dahlems, J. Dohmen, A.W.M. Strasser and C.P. Hollenberg. Characterization of the active site of Schwanniomyces occidentalis glucoamylase by in vitro mutagenesis. Eur.J.Biochem. 244 (1997), 128-133.
  157. G. Gellissen and C.P. Hollenberg. Application of yeasts in gene expression studies: a comparison of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Hansenula polymorpha and Kluyveromy­ces lactis - A review. Gene 190 (1997), 87-97.
  158. C.P. Hollenberg and G. Gellissen. Production of recombinant proteins by methylo­trophic yeasts. Curr.Opin.Biotechnol. 6 (1997), 554-560.
  159. E. Boles, F. Schulte, T. Miosga, K. Freidel, E. Schlüter, F.K. Zimmermann, C.P. Hollenberg and J.J. Heinisch. Characterization of a glucose-repressed pyruvate kinase (Pyk2p) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that is catalytically insensitive to fructose-1,6-biphosphate. J.Bacteriol. 179 (1997), 2987-2993.
  160. E. Boles and C.P. Hollenberg. The molecular genetics of hexose transport in yeasts. FEMS Microbiol.Rev. 21 (1997), 85-111.
  161. M. Suckow and C.P. Hollenberg. The activation specificities of wild-type and mutant Gcn4p in vivo can be different from the DNA binding specificities of the corresponding bZip peptides in vitro. J.Mol.Biol. 276 (1998), 887-902.
  162. M. Ramezani Rad, G. Jansen, F. Bühring and C.P. Hollenberg. Ste50p is involved in regulating filamentous growth in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and associates with Ste11p. Mol.Gen.Genet. 259 (1998), 29-38.
  163. M. Piontek, J. Hagedorn, C.P. Hollenberg, G. Gellissen and A.W.M. Strasser. Two novel gene expression systems based on the yeasts Schwanniomyces occidentalis and Pichia stipitis. Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol. 50 (1998), 331-338.
  164. A. Phongdara, A. Merckelbach, P. Keup, G. Gellissen and C.P. Hollenberg. Cloning and characterization of the gene encoding a repressible acid phosphatase (PHO1) from the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha. Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol. 50  (1998): 77-84.
  165. D.M. Carraro, J.R. Ferreira Júnior, R. Schumacher, G.G. Pereira, C.P. Hollenberg and H. El-Dorry. A region of the cellobiohydrolase I promoter from the filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei mediates glucose repression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, dependent on mitochondrial activity. Biochem. Biophys.Res.Commun. 253 (1998), 407-414.
  166. S. Krampe, O. Stamm, C.P. Hollenberg and E. Boles. Catabolite inactivation of the high-affinity hexose transporters Hxt6 and Hxt7 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae occurs in the vacuole after internalization by endocytosis. FEBS Letters 441 (1998), 343-347.
  167. V. Vollenbroich, J. Meyer, R. Engels, G. Cardinali, R.A. Menezes and C.P. Hollenberg. Galactose induction in yeast involves association of Gal80p with Gal1p or Gal3p. Mol.Gen.Genet. 261 (1999), 495-507.
  168. T. Weierstall, C.P. Hollenberg and E. Boles. Cloning and characterization of three genes (SUT1-3) encoding glucose transporters of the yeast Pichia stipitis. Mol.  Micobiol. 31 (1999), 871-883.
  169. M. Suckow, B. Kiskers-Woike and C.P. Hollenberg. A Novel Feature of DNA Recognition: A Mutant Gcn4p bZip Peptide with Dual DNA Binding Specificities Dependent of Half-site Spacing. J.Mol.Biol. 286 (1999), 983-987.
  170. G. Gellissen and C.P. Hollenberg. Hansenula. Academic Press (1999), 976-982.
  171. R. Wieczorke, S. Krampe, T. Weierstall, K. Freidel, C.P. Hollenberg and E. Boles. Concurrent knock-out of at least 20 transporter genes is required to block uptake of hexoses in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. FEBS Letters 464 (1999), 123-128.
  172. K.-D. Entian, T. Schuster, J.H. Hegemann, D. Becher, H. Feldmann, U. Güldener, R. Götz, M. Hansen, C.P. Hollenberg, G. Jansen, W. Kramer, S. Klein, P. Kötter, J. Kricke, H. Launhardt, G. Mannhaupt, A. Maierl, P. Meyer, W. Mewes, T. Munder, R.K. Niedenthal, M. Ramezani Rad, A. Röhmer, M. Rose, B. Schäfer, M.L. Siegler, J. Vetter, N. Wilhelm, K. Wolf, F.K. Zimmermann, A. Zollner and A. Hinnen. Functional analyses of 150 deletion mutants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by a systematic approach. Mol.Gen.Genet. 262 (1999), 683-702.
  173. F. Schulte, R. Wieczorke, C.P. Hollenberg and E. Boles. The HTR1 Gene Is a Dominant Negative Mutant Allele of MTH1 and Blocks Snf3- and Rgt2-Dependent Glucose Signaling in Yeast. J.Bact. 182/2 (2000), 540-542.
  174. C. Amuel, G. Gellissen, C.P. Hollenberg and M. Suckow. Analysis of Heat Shock Promoters in Hansenula polymorpha: The TPS1 Promoter, a Novel Element for Heterologous Gene Expression. Biotechnol.Bioprocess Eng. 5 (2000), 247-252.
  175. H.A. Abdel-Salam, T. El-Khamissy, G.A. Enan and C.P. Hollenberg. Expression of mouse anticreatine kinase (MAK33) monoclonal antibody in the yeast Hansenula polymorpha. Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol. 56 (2001), 157-64.
  176. G. Jansen, F. Bühring, C.P. Hollenberg and M. Ramezani-Rad. Mutations in the SAM domain of STE50 diffenrentially influence the MAPK-mediated pathways for mating, filamentous growth and osmotolerance in Sccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol. Genet. Genomics 265/1 (2001, 102-117
  177. M. van der Heide, C.P. Hollenberg, I.J. van der Klei and M. Veenhuis. Overproduction of BiP negatively affects the secretion of Aspergillus niger glucose oxidase by the yeast Hansenula polymorpha. Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol. 58/4 (2002), 487-94.
  178. J. Klabunde, A. Diesel, D. Waschk, G. Gellissen, C.P. Hollenberg and M. Suckow. Single-step co-integration of mutltiple expressible heterologous genes into the ribosomal DNA of the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha. Appl.Microbiol. Biotechnol. 58 (2002), 797-805.
  179. El Asli A, Boles E, Hollenberg CP & Errami M (2002) Conversion of xylose to ethanol by a novel phenol-tolerant strain of Enterobacteriaceae isolated from olive mill wastewater.  Biotechnology Letters 24 1101-1105
  180. I. Spode, D. Maiwald, C.P. Hollenberg and M. Suckow. ATF/CREB sites present in sub-telomeric regions of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosomes are part of promoters and act as UAS/URS of highly conserved COS gene. J.Mol.Biol. 319/2 (2002), 407-20.
  181. D. Waschk, J. Klabunde, M. Suckow and C. P. Hollenberg. Characteristics of the Hansenula polymorpha genome. In: Hansenula polymorpha, Biology and Applications (Ed.) G. Gellissen. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2002, p. 95-104
  182. R.A. Menezes, C. Amuel, R. Engels, U. Gengenbacher, J. Labahn and C.P. Hollenberg. Sites for Interaction between Gal80p and Gal1p in Kluyveromyces lactis. Structural Model of Galactokinase Based on Homology to the GHMP Protein Family.  J.Mol.Biol. 333 (2003), 479-492.
  183. V. Genu, S. Godecke, C.P. Hollenberg and G.G. Pereira. The Hansenula polymorpha MOX gene presents two alternative transcription start points differentially utilized and sensitive to repiratory activity. Eur.J.Biochem. 270/11 (2003), 2467-75.
  184. M. Suckow, M. Kutzner, C. Amuel, C.P. Hollenberg and G. Gellissen. Promoter Assessment in Hansenula polymorpha using a lacZ Reporter Gene. In: Springer Lab Manual, Non-Conventional Yeasts in Genetics Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Eds.) K. Wolf, K. Breunig, G. Barth. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2003, p.102-115.
  185. M. Ramezani-Rad, C.P. Hollenberg, J. Lauber, H. Wedler, E. Griess, C. Wagner, K. Albermann, J. Hani, M. Piontek, U. Dahlems and G. Gellissen. The Hansenula polymorpha (strain CBS4732) genome sequencing and analysis. FEMS Yeast Research 4 (2003), 207-215.
  186. J. Klabunde, G. Kunze, B. Gellissen and C.P. Hollenberg. Integration of heterologous genes in several yeast species using vectors containing a Hansenula polymorpha-derived rDNA-targeting element. FEMS Yeast Research 4 (2003), 185-193.
  187. Hu Z, Potthoff B, Hollenberg CP, Ramezani-Rad M (2006) Mdy2, an ubiquitin-like (UBL)-domain protein, is required for efficient mating in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Cell Sci. 119(Pt 2):326-38.
  188. Klabunde J, Kleebank S, Piontek M, Hollenberg CP, Hellwig S, Degelma Increase of calnexin gene dosage boosts the secretion of heterologounn A.s proteins by Hansenula polymorpha. FEMS Yeast Res. 2007; 7(7):1168-80.
  189. Cohnen A, Bielig H, Hollenberg CP, Hu Z, Ramezani-Rad M.The yeast ubiquitin-like domain protein Mdy2 is required for microtubule-directed nuclear migration and localizes to cytoplasmic granules in response to heat stress. Cytoskeleton (Hoboken). 2010; 67(10):635-49
  190. Eilert E, Hollenberg CP, Piontek M, Suckow M. The use of highly expressed FTH1 as carrier protein for cytosolic targeting in Hansenula polymorpha. J Biotechnol. 2012; 159(3):172-6
  191. Eilert E, Kranz A, Hollenberg CP, Piontek M, Suckow M. Synthesis and release of the bacterial compatible solute 5-hydroxyectoine in Hansenula   polymorpha. J Biotechnol. 2013; 167(2):85-93
  192. Eilert E, Rolf T, Heumaier A, Hollenberg CP, Piontek M, Suckow M.   Improved processing of secretory proteins in Hansenula polymorpha by sequence variation near the processing site of the alpha mating factor prepro sequence. J Biotechnol. 2013; 167(2):94-100.
  193. Huynh K, Gyenes M, Hollenberg CP, Nguyen TH, Van Vo T, Stoldt VR.Fibronectin unfolded by adherent but not suspended platelets: An in vitro explanation for its dual role in haemostasis. Thromb Res. 2015; 136(4):803-12.


