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- Camargo MGG, Lunau K, Luttembarck Batalha MAP, Brings S, Garcia de Brito VL, Morellato LPC (2018) How flower colour signals allure bees and hummingbirds: a community-level test of the bee avoidance hypothesis. New Phytologist. doi: 10.1111/nph.15594
- An L, Neimann A, Eberling E, Algora H, Brings S, Lunau K (2018) The yellow specialist: Dronefly Eristalis tenax prefers different yellow colours for landing and proboscis extension. Journal of Experimental Biology 221: jeb184788.
- Beckert J, Greven H. Lunau K (2018) How females of Lucihormetica verrucosa (Blattodea, Blaberidae) might see the pronotal spots of their mates. Entomologie heute 30: 1-8.
- Neimann A, An L, Algora H, Lunau K (2018) The yellow specialist: Colour preferences and colour learning of the hoverfly Eristalis tenax. Entomologie heute 30: 27-44.
- Koethe S, Banysch S, Alves-dos-Santos I, Lunau K (2018) Spectral purity, intensity and dominant wavelength: Disparate colour preferences of two Brazilian stingless bee species. PLoS ONE 13(9): e0204663.
- Lunau K, An L, Donda M, Hohmann M, Sermon L, Stegmanns V (2018) Limitations of learning in the proboscis reflex of the flower visiting syrphid fly Eristalis tenax. PLoS ONE 13(3): e0194167.
- Verhoeven C, Ren ZX, Lunau K (2018) False colour photography: a novel digital approach to visualize the bee view of flowers. Journal of Pollination Ecology 23: 102-118.
- van der Kooi CJ, Dyer AG, Kevan PG, Lunau K (2018) Functional significance of the optical properties of flowers for visual signalling. Annals of Botany mcy119.
- De Kock C, Minnaar C, Lunau K, Wester P, Verhoeven P, Schulze MJ, Randle MR, Robson C, Bolus RH, Anderson B (2018) The functional role of the keel crest in Polygala myrtifolia (Polygalaceae) and its effects on pollinator visitation success. South African Journal of Botany 118: 105-111.
- Martin A, Diestelhorst O, Lunau K (2017) Das alternative Bienenhotel: Künstliche Nistgelegenheiten für erdnistende Bienen und Wespen. [The alternative bee hotel: Artificial brooding sites for ground-nesting bees and wasps.] Entomologie heute 29: 57-67.
- Pajonk P, Wester P, Lunau K (2017) Überwachung von Honigbienen mit Kamerafallen. [Monitoring of bees with camera traps.] Entomologie heute 29: 83-93.
- Gappel N, Wester P, Lunau K (2017) Schwergängige Blütenmechanismen selektieren Bestäuber: Florale Filterwirkung von Colutea arborescens und C. orientalis. [Hard-moving floral mechanisms select pollinators: Floral filter effect of Colutea arborescens and C. orientalis.] Entomologie heute 29: 69-81.
- Beckert J, Greven H, Lunau K (2017) UV-reflection and autofluorescence of the pronotal spot in the Glowspot Cockroach Luciohormetica verrucosa (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1865) (Blattodea: Blaberidae) are affected by carotenoid diet. Entomologie heute 29: 25-33.
- Koch L, Wester P, Lunau K (2017) To be on the safe site - ungroomed spots on the bee's body and their importance for pollination. PLoS ONE 12(9): e0182522.
- Lunau K, Konzmann S, Winter L, Kamphausen V, Ren Z-X (2017) Pollen and stamen mimicry: the alpine flora as a case study. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 11: 427-447.
- Wester P, Lunau K (2017) Plant-pollinator communication. In: Becard G (ed.) Advances in Botanical Research, Vol. 82, How Plants Communicate with their Biotic Environment;
pp. 225-257; Academic Press, Amsterdam. - Lunau K, Wester P (2017) Mimicry and deception in pollination. In: Becard G (ed.) Advances in Botanical Research, Vol. 82, How Plants Communicate with their Biotic Environment;
pp. 259-279; Academic Press, Amsterdam. - Wilmsen S, Gottlieb R, Junker RR, Lunau K (2017) Bumblebees require visual pollen stimuli to initiate and multimodal stimuli to complete a full behavioral sequence in close-range flower orientation. Ecology and Evolution 7: 1384-1393.
- Lunau K, Verhoeven C (2017) Wie Bienen Blumen sehen - Falschfarbenaufnahmen von Blüten. Biologie in unserer Zeit 47: 120-127.
- Koethe S, Bloemer S, Lunau K (2016) Testing the influence of gravity on flower symmetry in five Saxifraga species. The Science of Nature 104: 37.
- Wester P, Filla M, Lunau K (2016) Floral scent and flower visitors of three green-flowered Costa Rican and Panamanian Blakea species (Melastomataceae) indicate birds rather than rodents as pollinators. Plant Ecology and Evolution 149: 319-328.
- Blümel S, Diestelhorst O, Lunau K (2016) Das Bestäubungsnetzwerk auf der Görscheider Wiese – ein Naturschutzgebiet in Heiligenhaus. [The pollination network of the Görscheider Wiese – a nature reserve in Heiligenhaus]. Entomologie heute 28: 95-115.
- Erkelenz M, Wilmsen S, Lunau K (2016) Präferenz von Honigbienen für Blütenattrappen in Abhängigkeit von deren Oberflächenstruktur. [Preference for artificial flowers dependent of its microtexture in honeybees]. Entomologie heute 28: 43-67.
- Petric PP, Bossems J, Lunau K (2016) Learning and unlearning of colors in the Buff-tailed Bumblebee. [Lernen und Vergessen von Farben bei der Dunklen Erdhummel]. Entomologie heute 28: 69-787.
- Koethe S, Bossems S, Dyer AG, Lunau K (2016) Colour is more than hue - Preferences for compiled colour traits in the stingless bees Melipona mondury and M. quadrifasciata. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 202: 615-627.
- Dyer AG, Boyd-Gerny S, Shrestha M, Lunau K, Garcia J, Koethe S, Wong BBM (2016) Innate colour preferences of the Australian native stingless bee Tetragonula carbonaria Sm.. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 202: 603-613.
- Lunau K, Konzmann S, Bossems J, Harpke D (2016) A matter of contrast: Yellow flower colour constrains style length in Crocus species. PLoS ONE 11(4): e0154728.
- Shrestha M, Lunau K, Dorin A, Schulze B, Bischoff M, Burd M, Dyer A (2016) A world without the birds and the bees: flowers of Macquarie Island. Plant Biology 18: 842-850.
- Papiorek S, Junker RR, Alves-dos-Santos I, Melo GAR, Amaral-Neto LP, Sazima M, Wolowski M, Freitas L, Lunau K (2016) Bees, birds and yellow flowers: Pollinator-dependent convergent evolution of UV-patterns. Plant Biology 18: 46-55.
- Lunau K (2016) Flower colour: How bumblebees handle colours with perceptually changing hues. Current Biology 26: R229-R246. Dispatch for Whitney et al. (2016) Flower iridescence increases object detection in the insect visual system without compromising object identity. Current Biology 26: 802-808.
- Lunau K, Braun J (2016) Mimikry und andere Phänomene der Täuschung. Praxis der Naturwissenschaften 1/65: 4-9.
- Wilmsen S, Gottlieb R, Lunau K (2015) Der komplizierte Weg zum Larvenfutter ̶ Hummeln reagieren auf multimodale Stimuli von Pollen. [The complex path to larval food ̶ Bumblebees are sensitive to multimodal pollen stimuli.] Entomologie heute 27: 73-88.
- Sternke-Hoffmann R, Lunau K (2015) Vergleichende Untersuchungen des Rüsselreflexes bei blütenbesuchenden Fliegen. [Comparative studies of the proboscis reflex in flower-visiting flies.] Entomologie heute 27: 55-71.
- Riedel L, Lunau K (2015) Limitations of the innate proboscis reflex in Eristalis tenax L. (Diptera: Syrhpidae) by the spatial resolution of the compound eye. [Limitierungen des angeborenen Rüsselreflexes bei Eristalis tenax L. (Diptera: Syrphidae) durch das räumliche Auflösungsvermögen des Facettenauges.] Entomologie heute 27: 45-54.
- Blut C, Lunau K (2015) Effects of lepidopteran eyespot components on the deterrence of predatory birds. Behaviour 152: 1481-1505.
- Brito VLG, Weynans K, Sazima M, Lunau K (2015) Trees as huge flowers and flowers as oversized floral guides: the role of floral color change and retention of old flowers in Tibouchina pulchra. Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 362. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00362
- Dyer AG, Garcia JE, Shresta M, Lunau K (2015) Seeing in colour: A hundred years of studies on bee vision since the work of the Nobel laureate Karl von Frisch. Proceedings Royal Society of Victoria 127: 66-72.
- Lunau K, Piorek V, Krohn O, Pacini E (2015) Just spines ̶ Mechanical defence of malvaceous pollen against collection by corbiculate bees. Apidologie 46: 144-149.
- Eltz T, Küttner J, Lunau K, Tollrian R (2015) Plant secretions prevent wasp parasitism in nests of wool-carder bees, with implications for the diversification of nesting materials in Megachilidae. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution Evol 2: 86. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2014.00086
- Uekötter L, Lunau K (2014) Einfluss der Pollenverproviantierung auf die Entwicklung der Mauerbiene Osmia cornuta. [How pollen provisioning influences the development of the mason bee Osmia cornuta.] Entomologie heute 26: 111-121.
- Pokorny T, Lunau K, Eltz T (2014) Raising the sugar content ̶ Orchid bees overcome the constraints of suction feeding through manipulation of nectar and pollen provisions. PLoS ONE 9(11): e113823.
- Papiorek S, Junker RR, Lunau K (2014) Gloss, colour and grip: Multifunctional epidermal cell shapes in bee- and bird-pollinated flowers. PLoS ONE 9(11): e112013.
- Brito VLG, Telles F, Lunau K (2014) Ecologia Cognitiva da Polinização. In: Rech AR, Agostini K, Machado ICS, Oliveira PE (eds) Biologia da Polinização. Ministério do Meio Ambiente, Brasilia; pp 417-438.
- Bossems J, de Melo GAR, do Amaral Neto LP, Lunau K (2014) Farbpräferenzen Stachelloser Bienen unter Berücksichtigung einzelner Farbattribute. Mitteilungen des Entomologischen Vereins Stuttgart, Jahrgang 49 (1): 7-8.
- Teschke H, Lunau K, Wester P (2014) Mechanische Florale Filter für Bienen: Kraftmessungen an dorsiventralen Blüten. Mitteilungen des Entomologischen Vereins Stuttgart, Jahrgang 49 (1): 30-31.
- Diestelhorst O, Maas Enriquez K, Raden M, Lunau K (2014) Untersuchungen zur Attraktivität mit Leuchtfarben lackierten Farbschalen. Mitteilungen des Entomologischen Vereins Stuttgart, Jahrgang 49 (1): 36-38.
- Lunau K, Piorek V, Krohn O, Pacini E (2014) Pollen schützt sich mit Stacheln vor dem Sammeln durch corbiculate Bienen. Mitteilungen des Entomologischen Vereins Stuttgart, Jahrgang 49 (1): 40-41.
- Pokorny T, Lunau K, Quezada-Euan JJG, Eltz T (2014) Cuticular hydrocarbons distinguish cryptic sibling species in Euglossa orchid bees. Apidologie 45: 276-283.
- Burkart A, Schlindwein C, Lunau K (2014) Assessment of pollen reward and pollen availability in Solanum stramoniifolium and Solanum paniculatum for buzz-pollinating carpenter bees. Plant Biology 16: 503-507.
- Woodcock TS, Larson BMH, Kevan PG, Inouye DW, Lunau K (2014) Flies and Flowers II: Floral Attractants and Rewards. Journal of Pollination Ecology 12: 63-94.
- Konzmann S, Lunau K (2014) Divergent rules for pollen and nectar foraging bumblebees – A laboratory study with artificial flowers offering diluted nectar substitute and pollen surrogate. PLoS ONE 9(3): e91900.
- Lunau K (2014) Visual ecology of flies with particular reference to colour vision and colour preferences. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 200: 497-512.
- Blut C, Lunau K (2013) Schreckwirkung als Detailarbeit – Das Glanzlicht im Augenfleck der Schmetterlinge (Insecta, Lepidoptera). [Fine-tuned deterrent effect – The sparkle in Lepidopteran eyespots.] Entomologie heute 25: 127-136.
- Konzmann S, Lunau K (2013) Pollen oder Nektar? Spezialisierung beim Sammelverhalten fouragierender Hummeln (Bombus terrestris) im Labor. [Pollen or nectar? Special Foraging tasks of laboratory-reared bumblebees (Bombus terrestris).]. Entomologie heute 25: 137-145.
- Papiorek S, Rohde K, Lunau K (2013) Bees` subtle colour preferences: How bees respond to small changes in pigment concentration. Naturwissenschaften 100: 633-643.
- Katzenberger TD, Lunau K, Junker RR (2013) Salience of multimodal flower cues controls bumblebee’s initial responses and learning behaviour. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67: 1587-1599.
- Lunau K (2013) Wie Farbmuster den Blütenanflug von Hummeln beeinflussen. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 66: 205-206.
- Rohde K, Papiorek S, Lunau K (2013) Bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) and honeybees (Apis mellifera) prefer similar colours of higher spectral purity over trained colours. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 199: 197-210.
- Baird E, Warrant E, Lunau K and Ribi W (2013) The unusual ocellar morphology of the orchid bee. Frontiers in Physiology Conference Abstract: International Conference on Invertebrate Vision. doi: 10.3389/conf.fphys.2013.25.00025
- Burkart A, Schlindwein C, Lunau K (2012) Auf Bienenjagd mit dem Smartphone – bioakustische Studien an pollensammelnden Bienen. [Hunting Bees with a Smartphone – Bioacoustical Studies of Pollen Collecting Bees]. Entomologie heute 24: 113-121.
- Lunau K, Dötterl S, Eltz T (2012) Attraction of Euglossa igniventris
females to odorous substances. [Anlockung von Euglossa igniventris-Weibchen durch duftende Substanzen]. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie 305-308. - Blut C, Wilbrandt J, Fels D, Girgel EI, Lunau K (2012) The 'sparkle' in fake eyes – the protective effect of mimic eyespots in Lepidoptera. Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 143: 231-244.
- Laussmann T, Bossems J, Metzger S, Lunau K (2012) Beiträge zur Biologie des Kleinen Nachtpfauenauges, Saturnia pavonia (Linnaeus, 1758). [Contributions to the Biology of the Emperor Moth, Saturnia pavonia (Linnaeus, 1758)]. Entomologie heute 24: 137-157.
- Burkart A, Schlindwein C, Lunau K (2011) Comparative bioacoustical studies on flight and buzzing of neotropical bees. Journal of Pollination Ecology 6: 118-124. PDF
- Wilbrandt J, Blut C, Girgel E, Fels D, Lunau K (2011) Glanz in
falschen Augen – UV-Reflexion und Schutzwirkung von Augenflecken auf den Flügeln von Schmetterlingen. [Sparkle in False Eyes – UV-Reflection and Protective Effect of Eyespots on the Wings of Lepidoptera]. Entomologie heute 23: 103-116. - Lunau K, Papiorek S, Eltz T, Sazima M (2011) Avoidance of achromatic colours by bees provides a private niche for hummingbirds. Journal of Experimental Biology 214: 1607-1612.
- Lunau K (2011) Mimikry und verwandte Phänomene in Natur und Kultur: Definitionen und Begriffe in der Biologie und in den Kulturwissenschaften. In: Meyer AR, Sielke S (Hrsg.) Verschleierungstaktiken: Strategien von eingeschränkter Sichtbarkeit, Tarnung und Täuschung in Natur und Kultur. Lang, Frankfurt; S. 193-224.
- Lunau K (2011) Warnen, Tarnen, Täuschen. Mimikry und Nachahmung bei Pflanze, Tier und Mensch. [Warning, camouflaging and deceiving. Mimicry and imitation in plants, animals and humans.] Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt; 160pp.
- Lunau K, Unseld K, Wolter F (2009) Visual detection of diminutive floral guides in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris and in the honeybee Apis mellifera. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 195: 1121-1130.
- Lunau K (2009) Entomologisches Kuriositätenkabinett – von Brillenträgern, Modellen, Hirschen, Stiergeburten und Anderen. [Cabinet of entomological curiosities – of spectacle wearers, models, stags, ox births and others.] Entomologie heute 21: 21-47.
- Ehrlich I, Lunau K (2009) Untersuchungen zur Pollendetektion von Hummeln. [Investigations about pollen detection in bumblebees.] Entomologie heute 21: 141-150.
- Lunau K (2009) Täuschung ohne Enttäuschung – Mimikry und verwandte Phänomene in der Natur. In: Montag-Stiftung Bildende Kunst (Hrsg.) (ENT-)TÄUSCHT! Eine interdisziplinäre Vortrags- und Diskussionsveranstaltung. Verlag für moderne Kunst, Nürnberg; pp 8-21.
- Diestelhorst O, Lunau K (2008) Contribution to the clarification of the species status of Nomada goodeniana (KIRBY, 1802) and Nomada succincta Panzer, 1798 (Apidae, Hymenoptera). Entomologie heute 20: 165-171.
- Eltz T, Zimmermann Y, Pfeiffer C, Ramírez Pech J, Twele R, Francke W, Quezada-Euan JJG, Lunau K (2008) An olfactory shift is associated with male perfume differentiation and species divergence in orchid bees. Current Biology 18: 1844-1848. Dispatch by Duncan Jackson
- Pohl M, Watolla T, Lunau, K (2008) Anther-mimicking floral guides exploit a conflict between innate preference and learning in bumblebees (Bombus terrestris). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63: 295-302.
- Lunau K, Wagner M (2008) Response of bumblebees to uni- and multi-directionally signalling flowers (Hymenoptera; Apidae; Bombus terrestris). Entomologia Generalis 31: 1-12.
- Budde J, Lunau K (2007) Recipes for a pollen bread – today: Osmia rufa. Entomologie heute 19: 173-179.
- Diestelhorst O, Lunau K (2007) Ergänzungen zur Bienenfauna (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) des Botanischen Gartens und des Campus der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf. Acta Biologica Benrodis 14: 97-105.
- Eltz T, Zimmermann Y, Haftmann J, Twele R, Francke W, Quezada-Euan JJG, Lunau K (2007) Enfleurage, lipid recycling and the origin of perfume collection in orchid bees. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B – Biological Sciences 274: 2843-2848.
- Pohl M, Lunau K (2007) Modification of the innate antennal reaction at floral guides in experienced bumblebees, Bombus terrestris (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Entomologia Generalis 29: 111-123.
- Lunau K (2006) Stamens and mimic stamens as components of floral colour patterns. Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 127: 13-41.
- Valentin S, Lunau K, Johnson S (2006) Choice experiments using artificial flowers reveal colour preferences of long-proboscid flies (Nemestrinidae) under field conditions. Entomologie heute 18: 113-122.
- Lunau K, Fieselmann G, Heuschen B, van de Loo A (2006) Visual targeting of components of floral colour patterns in flower-naive bumblebees (Bombus terrestris; Apidae). Naturwissenschaften 93: 325-328.
- Lunau K, Middelmann A, Pianka M (2006) Density- and food-resource-dependent courtship behaviour in the dolichopodid fly Poecilobothrus nobilitatus L. (Dolichopodidae). Entomologie heute 18: 123-132.
- Eltz T, Ayasse M, Lunau K (2006) Species-specific antennal response to tibial fragrances in male orchid bees. Journal of Chemical Ecology 32: 71-79.
- Heuschen B, Gumbert A, Lunau K (2005) A generalised mimicry system involving angiosperm flower colour, pollen and bumblebees' innate colour preferences. Plant Systematics and Evolution 252: 121-137.
- Lunau K, Hofmann N, Valentin S (2005) Response of the hoverfly species Eristalis tenax towards floral dot guides with colour transition from red to yellow (Diptera: Syrphidae). Entomologia Generalis 27: 249-256.
- Eltz T, Sager A, Lunau K (2005) Juggling with volatiles: exposure of perfumes by displaying male orchid bees. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 191: 575-581. HTML
- Eltz T, Lunau K (2005) Antennal response to fragrance compounds in male orchid bees. Chemoecology 15: 135-138.
- Eltz T, Roubik DW, Lunau K (2005) Experience-dependent choices ensure species-specific fragrance accumulation in male orchid bees. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 59: 149-156.
- Lunau K (2004) Adaptive radiation and coevolution – pollination biology case studies. Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 4: 207-224.
- Budde J, Reckert A, Sporer F, Wink M, Eltz T, Lunau K (2004) Beiträge zur Evolution der Oligolektie bei solitären Bienen der Gattung Andrena. Entomologie heute 16: 191-200.
- Zimmer M, Diestelhorst O, Lunau K (2003) Courtship in long-legged flies (Diptera: Dolichopodidae): function and evolution of signals. Behavioral Ecology 14: 526-530.
- Walge C, Lunau K (2002/2003) The fauna of wild bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) at the campus of the Heinrich-Heine-University of Düsseldorf. Acta Biologica Benrodis 11: 27-44.
- Lunau K (2002) Automimikry – Innerartliche Signalfälschung. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 55: 5-14.
- Lunau K (2002) The evolution of flowering plants, flower visitors and interactions between them – a look at flower biology with G. von Wahlert. Bonner Zoology Monographs 50: 109-146.
- Walge C, Lunau K (2002/2003) The fauna of wild bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) at the campus of the Heinrich-Heine-University of Düsseldorf. Acta Biologica Benrodis 11: 27-44.
- Lunau K (2002) Warnen, Tarnen, Täuschen. Mimikry und andere Überlebensstrategien in der Natur. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt: 184pp.
- Dinkel T, Lunau K (2001) How drone flies (Eristalis tenax L, Syrphidae, Diptera) use floral guides to locate food sources. Journal of Insect Physiology 47: 1111-1118.
- Schröder S, Lunau K (2001) Die oligolektische Sandbiene Andrena florea und die Rote Zaunrübe Bryonia dioica – Schnittstelle zweier spezialisierter Fortpflanzungssysteme. [The oligolectic andrenid bee Andrena florea and the White Bryony Bryoia dioica – interface of two specialised reproduction systems.] Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie 13: 529-533.
- Diestelhorst O, Lunau K (2001) Beobachtungen zur Verbreitung von Dolichopodiden (Diptera) in Ostwestfalen und der Umgebung von Düsseldorf (NRW). Acta Biologica Benrodis 11: 79-88.
- Diestelhorst O, Lunau K (2001) Leben in der Krone. Farbschalenfänge von Dolichopodiden im Kronenraum einer Buche. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie 13: 543-546.
- Wacht S, Lunau K, Hansen K (2000) Chemosensory control of pollen ingestion in the hoverfly Eristalis tenax L. by labellar taste hairs. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 186: 193-203.
- Lunau K (2000) Blütenerkennung der Schwebfliege Eristalis tenax. [Flower detection of the syrphid fly Eristalis tenax.] Verhandlungen Westdeutscher Entomologentag 1998, p 81-88.
- Lunau K (2000) The ecology and evolution of visual pollen signals. Plant Systematics and Evolution 222: 89-111.
- Lunau K (1998) Farbpräferenzen von Blütenbesuchern. Verhandlungen Westdeutscher Entomologentag 1997, p 117-122.
- Bennett ATD, Cuthill IC, Partridge JC, Lunau K (1997) Ultraviolet plumage colours predict mating preferences in starlings. Proceedings of the National Acadamy of Sciences U.S.A. 94: 8618-8621.
- Knüttel H, Lunau K (1997) Farbige Augen bei Insekten. [Coloured eyes in insects.] Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie 11: 587-590.
- Lunau K, Wacht S (1997) Angeborene Blütenerkennung bei der Schwebfliege Eristalis tenax L.. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie 11: 481-484.
- Lunau K, Wacht S (1997) Signalfunktion von Pollen. Biologie in unserer Zeit 27: 169-181.
- Lunau K (1996) Das Balzverhalten von Langbeinfliegen (Dolichopodidae; Diptera). Acta Albertina Ratisbonensia 50: 49-73
- Lunau K (1996) Signalling function of floral patterns for insect flower visitors. Zoologischer Anzeiger 235: 11-30.
- Lunau K (1996) Unidirectionality of floral colour changes. Plant Systematics and Evolution 200: 125-140.
- Lunau K, Wacht S, Chittka L (1996) Colour choices of naive bumble bees and their implications for colour perception. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 178: 477-489.
- Wacht S, Lunau K, Hansen K (1996) Optical and chemical stimuli control pollen feeding in the hoverfly Eristalis tenax L. (Syrphidae; Diptera). Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 80: 50-53.
- Wickler W, Lunau K (1996) How do East African bush shrikes Laniarius funebris recognize male and female tutors during gender dialect development? Naturwissenschaften 83: 579-580.
- Lunau K (1995) Notes on the colour of pollen. Plant Systematics and Evolution 198: 235-252.
- Lunau K, Knüttel H (1995) Vision through coloured eyes. Naturwissenschaften 82: 432-434.
- Lunau K, Maier EJ (1995) Innate colour preferences of flower visitors. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 177: 1-19.
- Burkhardt D, de la Motte I, Lunau K (1994) Signalling fitness: Larger males sire more offspring. Studies of the stalk-eyed fly Cyrtodiopsis whitei (Diopsidae, Diptera). Journal of Comparative Physiology A 174: 61-64.
- Lunau K, Wacht S (1994) Optical releasers of the innate proboscis extension in the hoverfly Eristalis tenax L. (Syrphidae, Diptera). Journal of Comparative Physiology A 174: 574-579.
- Lunau K (1993) Interspecific diversity and uniformity of flower colour patterns as cues for learned discrimination and innate detection of flowers. Experientia 49: 1002-1010.
- Lunau K (1993) Angeborene und erlernte Blütenerkennung bei Insekten. Biologie in unserer Zeit 23: 48-54.
- Lunau K (1992) A new interpretation of flower guide colouration: absorption of ultraviolet light enhances colour saturation. Plant Systematics and Evolution 183: 51-65.
- Lunau K (1992) Evolutionary aspects of perfume collection in male euglossine bees (Hymenoptera) and of nest deception in bee-pollinated flowers. Chemoecology 3: 65-73.
- Lunau K (1992) Innate recognition of flowers by bumblebees – orientation of antennae to visual stamen signals. Canadian Journal of Zoology 70: 2139-2144.
- Lunau K (1992) Mating behaviour in the long-legged fly Poecilobothrus nobilitatus L. (Diptera, Dolichopodidae): courtship behaviour, male signalling, and mating success. Zoologische Beiträge 34: 465-479.
- Lunau K (1991) Innate flower recognition in bumblebees (Bombus terrestris, B. lucorum; Apidae): Optical signals from stamens as landing reaction releasers. Ethology 88: 203-214.
- Lunau K (1990) Colour saturation triggers innate reactions to flower signals: Flower dummy experiments with bumblebees. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 166: 827-834.
- Lunau K (1988) Angeborenes und erlerntes Verhalten beim Blütenbesuch von Schwebfliegen – Attrappenversuche mit Eristalis pertinax (Scopoli) (Diptera, Syrphidae). Zoologische Jahrbücher Physiologie 92: 487-499.
- Lunau K, Rupp L (1988) Auswirkungen des Abflämmens von Weinbergböschungen im Kaiserstuhl auf die Fauna. Veröffentlichungen für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege in Baden-Württemberg 63: 69-116.
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